

Goals, Gratitude, Life, Running


Back in 2009, I believe, I started to write and share a gratitude list daily. I am absolutely convinced it changed my life for the better. Then I relapsed in 2012 and stopped for awhile….the shame kept me in hiding for bit. Less than a year after my relapse, I picked up a white chip and started over and continued writing my gratitude here and there but not consistently. Things started to get serious with my now husband nine months later, and my gratitude writing decreased significantly until it all together stopped. I have since started a “Women of Gratitude” group on Facebook but left it shortly after. Do you know why? Unforgiveness and fear. There were women in the group I did not want in my life due to hurt feelings and fear of judgement. I did not feel safe to be me. I don’t even know the stories around these resentments anymore. I don’t harbor current resentments but prefer to love from a distance. That is necessary sometimes. Of course, this is a public blog, but I am just not that important, in my mind or anyone else’s! I will focus on the love here and let all else go.

Anyhow…my point to the above is that I have no doubt, not one iota, that writing gratitude consistently on a daily basis, living and feeling that deep soul joy, brought me this amazing life I am living today. I am married to my best friend, we truly have so much fun. We may scoff from time to time but it is rare. I work from home, I am constantly learning and growing (Thank You, God! Everything IS–THANK YOU, GOD!!!), taking courses, etc., to be become better and better! I am surrounded by our sweet bulldogs, and I am a MINISTER of GOD!!! I am a minister of Love and hopefully inspiration! That is how I yearn to be, and I will keep on keeping on!

I’m so grateful for this day; for arising this 4th day in a row at 4 AM— for Hal Elrod’s “Miracle Morning”, which has inspired me over the years, and that it’s always there for when I forget or desire to be more, do more. To be and do more than I have been I have to show up. I am often, “too tired” to show up for myself. My birthday gift to myself this year is, “no excuses”. That is my mantra this 53rd year on this earth. I have made some necessary changes in my life to help me save some time as I can definitely spread myself pretty thin. This time is my gift to myself. I will utilize it to make myself smarter, stronger, faster, and get my coaching and ministry business off the ground. NO EXCUSES!!!

I am grateful for bulldogs snoring, a beautiful early morning sky, the funky music Coach Betsy played in our 5 AM run this morning (1920’s electric?!), the Charge Running App., over 4 miles run and done, the sounds of birds singing, my new “No Excuses” bracelet, so I don’t forget!, Whole Food Plant Based diet, for asking my husband for what I need (support arising early, and no more buying Sun Chips – I cannot resist them!), this amazing and abundant life—so very much to be grateful for! We are rich, absolutely rich in all of the ways that count…so much LOVE! I was thinking about when I was younger, kids growing, most of my life was spent living paycheck to paycheck, on the struggle bus. I made good money but kids, you know! Divorce never helps, either…it helps me to remember that so I can be so grateful to have gotten through it…and you know what? Everything always worked out! Always! Everything always WILL work out! God’s got us!!! Sooooooooooooooooooo much gratitude!!! xoxox

Gratitude, Life, Poetry


Oh, how easy it is to see that we are not a part of this world!!!! What a cause for celebration!

This ominous weight crushing my spirit is only a figment of my mind. I can blow it away as easily as dandelion seeds carry in the wind. One big exhale and all is scattered….

What is there in this very instant that is boggling and overwhelming? Here in this perfect moment. I feel the peace envelop my being. This is all there is. How glorious!

Gratitude calls to me to pause in any moment I become distracted by thoughts of the past or projections of a future…this is the only sane thing to do.

Deeeeeeep breath….1, 2, 3, 4. Hold it. Exhale, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1…..hold it, repeat.

And so it is! I thank you, God.

Bulldogs, Covid 19, Fitness, Food!, Goals, Gratitude, Life, Relationships, Running, Spirituality

Today Is The First Day…

“Today is the first day of the rest of my life”…hehe. Did you know this is a John Denver song? I did not. Until I was today-days-old! This was attributed to Charles Dederich (1978) but I do believe John Denver used it first (1969).

It is a quote full of hope though, isn’t it? How many times have I allowed thoughts of my past to darken my present?!? Whew! Then the darkness takes over and and old, toxic behaviors continue. Not today!!!!

After a weekend of not staying the course of my plant based healthy food journey I am up over three pounds today AND I am not feeling well. Allergies are totally sucking, too. My head, eyes, nose…none are too happy. Am I going to get down about this? Nope! Starting a five day fast AND I am going to run today. I will walk the rest of the week though and not run again until Sunday. I wish I could fast and run but my body will not allow that. Ever since my mid forties I can really tell a difference as to how my body reacts to what it is I am putting into it. Age and not drinking alcohol both contributed much to that I am sure!

I woke late today and have been working with ACIM and procrastinating studying. Why do some text books have to be so big? It is more difficult to pick up a big clunky text book than it is a smaller one. I know this must be proven somewhere! 🙂

A Course in Miracles was my salvation this morning. I have been seething by Trump and Trumpers lately. I was grateful for the lesson this morning that returned me to sanity. It is not for me to understand. I am projecting outward…judging them wrong, me right…judging them inferior and me superior….adding to the SEPARATION and, in doing so, I am only prolonging my own misery and self-condemnation in the process. It’s not worth it. I am grateful I can change my thoughts…return to love.

In conclusion of today’s post…I am grateful. Grateful the hurricane blew past us 100 miles off the coast (prayers for the Carolinas). I am grateful for these five bulldogs and all of the love, peace, and joy they add to each day. I am grateful for a loving and supportive, and FUNNY, oh, and intelligent husband…we truly have the best life. I am grateful my five LOVES (Brody, Brianna, Paige, Moriah, and Marcus) are all healthy and well. I miss them so and need my fix but will ride out this Covid crap first. I’m grateful for our beautiful safe, warm home with so many comforts. Every need is met and all of our wants, too. I feel spoiled. I am grateful our fridge repair man will be here this afternoon to repair our freezer. This unit is only 1.5 years old and it’s been a headache…we had a water leak Saturday that bled through the walls and outside and into the garage…it was awful. Luxury problems! However, he will be here today…our food will not go bad! Yay! Unfortunately we traded our fridge for this one from my ex- boss and never kept the receipt. No warranty. It’s not as if I can reach out to her and ask her for it either. Oh well. It can always be worse! I am grateful for this life of abundance and love!!!! Thank You, God!

What are you grateful for today?


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