

Gratitude, Life, Poetry


Oh, how easy it is to see that we are not a part of this world!!!! What a cause for celebration!

This ominous weight crushing my spirit is only a figment of my mind. I can blow it away as easily as dandelion seeds carry in the wind. One big exhale and all is scattered….

What is there in this very instant that is boggling and overwhelming? Here in this perfect moment. I feel the peace envelop my being. This is all there is. How glorious!

Gratitude calls to me to pause in any moment I become distracted by thoughts of the past or projections of a future…this is the only sane thing to do.

Deeeeeeep breath….1, 2, 3, 4. Hold it. Exhale, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1…..hold it, repeat.

And so it is! I thank you, God.

Childhood, Life, Poetry, Relationships


Motherless children sneaking into the night.

The baby wallowing in snot shrieks out in hunger.

Stolen bread. Mustard sandwiches and mashed Oreos finger fed.

Dirty faces – – tattered clothes and skinned knees.

Every day darkened as night smothered in the fear of abandonment.

Innocence stripped in the servitude of the drink.

Stolen away in the night and driven north to a new place.

A new beginning. AWOL was the the salvation of purity. Restoration impossible but a new beginning.


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