Monthly Archives

March 2022


To Russia In Love

Ukraine. How can I choose to see peace instead of unfairness, sadness, despair, warfare, and destruction?

For me to make sense of the nonsensical (which is ALL in this world) I choose to see Russia as the ego. It’s mission is to be special, powerful, strong, and mighty. Does this mission make it so? Does the demise result in peace or more demise? Hate begets hate here in this world of illusion. This world is designed to be painful and result in separation and angst. It would be silly of me to expect anything else.

Ken Wapnick used to say, “act normal” here. And I so appreciate that and hold onto to it, for any reaction that is not kind and loving, such as dismissing the tragedies of this world with malice or even humor, will result in more unkindness here. No, thank you.

In my openness, heart-light, and love I am able to encapsulate all Ukrainians, who are One with me, and, as uncomfortable as this may be, all Russian soldiers, civilians, and leaders, and energetically imagine them all as they really are; love and light, perfect, whole, complete, UNITED! I can choose to sit in the beauty and surety of this reality, experience the soul-tingle of Oneness. Victory is only of God as it is all that God knows, and as I am One with him, apart from this world, therefore, even though I forget, it is all that I know. With a sigh and am able to tap into that and breathe. Love begets Love, there is no way around that as that is all there is.

The means of war are not the means of peace, and what the warlike would remember is not love. ⁴War is impossible unless belief in victory is cherished. (ACIM, T-23.I.1:3-4)

An instant offered to the Holy Spirit is offered to God on your behalf, and in that instant you will awaken gently in Him. ⁷In the blessed instant you will let go all your past learning, and the Holy Spirit will quickly offer you the whole lesson of peace.” (ACIM, T-15.II.1:6-7)

Laying down all else, stepping outside of my box, this is how I awaken to the miracle. Leaving behind what I imagine, which is absolutely everything that is not of this very moment. Stop analyzing, victimizing, and being defensive over thoughts in my head. Oh the power I can give to these stream of lies! Past or future they are all vain imaginings into hell – separation – desolation. It can be quiet humorous how I will snatch on to any worldly offense (judgment) and turn it into a vast empire that has officially declared war against me.

Not realizing the freedom in the moment, and each new beginning granted to me in simply pausing and letting go, allowing in peace, I easily slip into condemnation from past behavior, my past harms, or future imaginings. These stories kept me in the fetal position whishing for death, the bottle in my hand, a person in my bed, empty candy bar wrappings in a pile around me, and monsters in my head. They destroyed any possibility of present joy. I was a prisoner. I blamed others for holding onto and hiding the key to my cell door lavishing in the thought of my living hell. Meanwhile, I had a death grip on this hard cold piece of metal in my hand.

The power of decision is your one remaining freedom as a prisoner of this world. (ACIM, T-12.VII.9:1)

With a deep breath I can let go. Let go of my judgements. Let go of my tiny perceptions that will never see the entire picture regardless of how hard I try to. Let go that I (haha) know better than God. Let go of it all and simple hold on to the Love…behave from the Love….share the Love…SHINE the Love.

And so it is.

Celebration of Life, End of Life Doula, Health & Wellness Coach, Holistic Nutritionist, Life, Ordained Minister, Running, Spirituality, Training, Whole Food Plant Based

Frolicking 22 Miles

As I said on my Facebook page before I hit the door, I can think of other F-words to use…hehe.

Really though, it was FANTASTIC!

Instead of posting all of my photos individually, I made a video with some of my favorites. When I was getting ready to leave, the pups were having a fit. They did not want me to leave. BUT! When I arrive back home we dance, party, and celebrate! It’s a party!

One of my favorite things about running is using this time to connect with God….I pray and listen…it’s a beautiful meditative experience. I also dance a lot! Call me in the Spirit…just don’t call me late to dinner (hear the drumroll?!?). Ha. Yes, I am way too corny.

Enjoy! IN JOY! xox Oh & if you ever want to run with me, join Charge, or at least check them out…link here:

Goals, Life, Running, Spirituality, Work LIfe

Spinning & Turning & Alas, Pausing


So here I am – after almost two years since starting this website— I have completed my Holistic Nutritionist Certification, my Health & Wellness Coaching Certification, a second Ministerial Ordination, various Counseling and Facilitator courses (see my profile here:, I made personal records in my races (5K, Half Marathon) and trained and ran (well, walked the last ten miles) my first Marathon. Now I am training for my second Marathon which will be in Maryland the first week in April! It is very apparent as to why I have not written much!

I am in still in the contemplation stage as to which direction to go and absolutely trust it will be revealed to me. I am showing up here as a part of that process. I have neglected my writing while completing all of the above, working a full time job, as well as taking care of six adorable bulldogs, and being an awesome wife…Oh, yeah, we added to our brood! Watson joined us last June and he’s a handful! Typical boy! He’s a truck…just pushes into whomever is in his way and plows them down. Freddie and I have both almost had our legs pushing out from beneath us from this little (in age only) boy!

Top row left to right: Gertrude, Harley Rose, Bentley. Bottom left to right: Greta, Watson, Myrtle (Lil’ Bit)

What is it I am meant to do? Not continually distract myself so I do not have have time to do what I am meant to do, I know that. It is amusing to witness how I busy myself with education, shopping, etc., to avoid moving forward. My fear/ego, no doubt…trying to stop my shine! Heehee. Since I started to type this several hours ago I have,1. played with my pictures, 2. ate lunch, 3. ordered glasses (not one but six pair), 4. finished watching a documentary on running, and 5. cleared out my email (umpteenth time today!)….seriously, that is nuts!

So, I came here initially (to my website) to update it to incorporate all that I want to “do” (services I want to offer) thinking that in doing so it will all blend and vibe, revealing my true destiny. I have been chatting about it with my husband and he said, “don’t change the name” (when I suggested doing so by possibly adding “minister”), then he added, “no one trusts ministers”, and proceeded to tell me a horrific story that was in the news that reflected ministers abusing the trust of the their trusted followers. So, uh, I do not make it a habit to watch the news on a regular basis, and this is why. It is a small percent that makes it ugly for the rest.

I picture myself at a booth with the signs, “End of Life Doula”, “Celebrant (Life and Death) Officiant, Mistrial Counseling with a focus on Inner Child, Inner Wisdom, Spiritual Awakening, and Relationships”, “Therapist is In” (similar to Lucy in Charlie Brown)—of course, I am NOT a therapist, and would never try to pretend that I am, but I assist my clients to find the answers within…a bit like an unpeeling of an onion, it’s a beautiful thing as the layers are removed. Nevertheless, titles continue, “Holistic Nutritionist”, “Health & Wellness Coach”, “Athlete”, with a focus on running…so, it’s Spirit vs. Ego, but it’s not…it is more aligned with how focusing on LIVING OUT LOUD guided by Love we are more connected to Spirit, to Shining and less engaged to the ego! Does that make sense? If I am speaking to Holy Spirit throughout the day, with each morsel I put in my mouth and each step I take, that is not ego driven. However, being human it is truly impossible to be this way 100 percent of the time but I will keep trying. I will sometimes catch myself when I make things about me versus community, such as a personal record over the unity of helping and inspiring others. Don’t get me wrong, we cannot be martyrs, it is okay to go for those PR’s and train alone, and do what I need to do for me from time to time for if I don’t I will be too burnt out to show up in the world as God would have me do so, but what am I doing the majority of the time? Is my presence resulting in inclusion or division? That is how it is revealed to me…when my presence results in separation of any form it is not of God. So, yes, it is very possible to be attached to this body and it’s fitness and help others, too, as long as I remember my Truth & be a minister to that, putting God first—Love-Unity! Ah, from an introvert, too. Ha!

Well, the good news is that I have clarity, the bad news is that I have no idea what to do with this information yet. What I do know though, without doubt, is that God will reveal more to me in His time, not mine. I will keep doing what is in front of me in consultation with Jesus/Holy Spirit and trust the process. Until then, I hope, pray, intend to show up more here as all unfolds.

I love you.


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