

Life, Relationships, Work LIfe

That Damn Fork in the Road

I’m sitting here…at the fork in the road…which way will I go?

One way leads to seeming security—I say seeming because nothing in this world is truly secure…it is a world made for flux ending in demise. I am giggling because really, why all this pressure in such a world? What does anything really matter? It is a story to be played out! Which role do I want?

Let’s play a game!!! I love games, not really, but I love to find solutions…that is true! I AM a solution driven person.

So. What fears do I have? My biggest fear is letting down my husband. My faith has proved to me over and over in my life that regardless, I am going to be okay, WE are going to be okay! For some reason, well, I know the reason…the fear belief system we were raised with…I say we, because me and my husband could have grown up in the same household! We were taught that we have to go to work, nose to the grinder, head down and work hard – – no questions asked. We are not meant to be happy or enjoy it. It’s life baby, suck it up, buttercup!!! My husband is worried about taxes and benefits. Solution: earn more money. I feel that my current at home position could really turn into something more. I only need time. And once my husband receives his second immunization this month I can also reach out and start doing funeral services again…so I will be working three positions that I love…billing at home, working with Deanna/the End of Life movement, and working with funeral homes. I am afraid of resenting him, too, which would be in letting myself down, you know?

Now let’s talk about the position that I was offered doing what I do…managing employees. I was so caught up in the fact that I was offered the position so soon that I did not even process the actual position with this company and what that looks like! It is for a doctor and his wife, who is the admin over me….never a great situation. I will be traveling with the doctor between two locations and sitting at the front desk with the front desk team, not having a work station, an office, or privacy. I see myself driving them AND myself nuts. It does not feel good. I did not even pause in the “reality” of the position before. I’m also concerned because she was late and did not apologize for being late, and she was so anxious to hire me…not all things that appear awesome are truly awesome!! Also, it is in a location that I worked before and it was not great, weird, right? Lastly it is a similar locations to my last position…I do not take that as a great sign. If I have to go out and work managing, I would much rather find a position closer to home. I have not really been trying to find a position at all, only applying to those I am qualified for on a whim.

In my pausing here and pondering I see clearly now what woke me up at 1 AM – – I have made my mind up that this position is not for me. It was a disturbing realization in the middle of the night. I awoke with gratitude that I did not rush into anything. What is a solution that will make both my husband and myself happy? I will continue doing what I am doing for now, next week I will send emails out to all of my funeral director contacts letting them know I am available for funerals. I will continue working with my end-of-life crew (I anticipate more will come my way from this venue as well)…if in six weeks it looks like the billing position will not need me (due to the closing of a big account) I will put my nose to the wheel and either find a stay at home position with benefits or I will get out there, hit the pavement, and find a position that is a good fit utilizing my management abilities that is hopefully closer to home.

So….here we are. No more fork. No more pressure. No more angst. Do what is in front of me and enjoy the ride! I did not even have to write a pro and con list! We all know my leaving the pups at home for 8 hours a day would be on the TOP of the CON list!!!!!!!! Now to see what the spouse thinks about all of this….

ego or love?
Life, Politics, Random, Relationships, Spirituality

For The Love of Trump

I have always been somewhat quiet in my opinions regarding controversial issues…sometimes due to the fear of revelation (being judged or “found out”), and other times inferiority, and even lack of motivation.  My ego, of course, does not like to feel attacked or defensive.  If I am completely honest I would have to say that MEgo, my nickname for it, is somewhat of a people-pleaser, too.  I am not fond of confrontation but I am not afraid of it either.  In my lifetime career it was often necessary if I were to be successful.  My biggest reason in keeping quiet though has been my struggle with how standing up for what I believe in is investing in the ego and conflicts with my spiritual path/truth.

I would ask myself, why emphasize the “illusion”?  Let it go and move on…
“Would you rather be right or happy?”  My purpose is forgiveness in this world.  If I see the Face of Christ in everyone, there is nothing to defend, and of course, “In my defenseless my safety lies”.  Regardless of delusions and illusion, Ken Wapnick said to “be normal”. He meant do what you do in this world (work, pay bills, vote, be a mom/dad/spouse/parent, etc.) but do not do anything that would cause separation/division. He stated that he felt the most important thing is to here is to, “Try to hear the (Love’s) call  and respond to it and trust it.” in all things…all throughout each day.  I wish he were around today in this time of civil unrest, Trump, and Covid!  I can’t imagine his stance would change though…he would probably shake his head and say, “need I say more, really?”.

Until 2016 I was not much of a follower of sports or politics and it is because when I am my ego gets the best of “me”.  I don’t like that silly person give my control to.  I prefer to remain ignorantly blissful.  On this day, September 26, 2020, it is challenging to do so.  So, after consulting with Spirit….I am directed to take a loving stand, not fight, not become defensive, but unite in Love.  I was reminded that I am not making the illusion real any more than putting on my running shoes and heading out for a run (I wish), or sitting on the couch snuggled up with my loves, eating popcorn, watching a movie, or well, going tinkle (etc., etc., etc.!!!!!). 

Another term of Trump will indeed fuel the fires of separation in this country—and probably the world to some degree—his followers are blind and deaf and I don’t understand it but it is not mine to understand. I even asked for clarification but was not given any only told I need to “research”. Part of me wishes I could live in the body of Trump supporter for just one day. I am curious what they see/watch/experience. Nevertheless, I can still love them wholeheartedly.

What I cannot do is sit back and not stand up for Love, peace, unity.  Trump is a symbol of dishonesty, racism, homophobia, sexism, with no care for human rights—all of which are great dividers.  I am not a coward.  I am a peacemaker, Lover, a healer.  My body is an illusion within an illusion and I will utilize my voice, pen, and keypad to stand for that which symbolizes Love and allow the Holy Spirit to use each word as seen fit to teach within this dream.

Let us not sit idly by and observe, detached….let us laugh and dance joyfully for that which makes our hearts sing. I don’t think any of us will be doing so if things do not change…

Bulldogs, Covid 19, Fitness, Food!, Goals, Gratitude, Life, Relationships, Running, Spirituality

Today Is The First Day…

“Today is the first day of the rest of my life”…hehe. Did you know this is a John Denver song? I did not. Until I was today-days-old! This was attributed to Charles Dederich (1978) but I do believe John Denver used it first (1969).

It is a quote full of hope though, isn’t it? How many times have I allowed thoughts of my past to darken my present?!? Whew! Then the darkness takes over and and old, toxic behaviors continue. Not today!!!!

After a weekend of not staying the course of my plant based healthy food journey I am up over three pounds today AND I am not feeling well. Allergies are totally sucking, too. My head, eyes, nose…none are too happy. Am I going to get down about this? Nope! Starting a five day fast AND I am going to run today. I will walk the rest of the week though and not run again until Sunday. I wish I could fast and run but my body will not allow that. Ever since my mid forties I can really tell a difference as to how my body reacts to what it is I am putting into it. Age and not drinking alcohol both contributed much to that I am sure!

I woke late today and have been working with ACIM and procrastinating studying. Why do some text books have to be so big? It is more difficult to pick up a big clunky text book than it is a smaller one. I know this must be proven somewhere! 🙂

A Course in Miracles was my salvation this morning. I have been seething by Trump and Trumpers lately. I was grateful for the lesson this morning that returned me to sanity. It is not for me to understand. I am projecting outward…judging them wrong, me right…judging them inferior and me superior….adding to the SEPARATION and, in doing so, I am only prolonging my own misery and self-condemnation in the process. It’s not worth it. I am grateful I can change my thoughts…return to love.

In conclusion of today’s post…I am grateful. Grateful the hurricane blew past us 100 miles off the coast (prayers for the Carolinas). I am grateful for these five bulldogs and all of the love, peace, and joy they add to each day. I am grateful for a loving and supportive, and FUNNY, oh, and intelligent husband…we truly have the best life. I am grateful my five LOVES (Brody, Brianna, Paige, Moriah, and Marcus) are all healthy and well. I miss them so and need my fix but will ride out this Covid crap first. I’m grateful for our beautiful safe, warm home with so many comforts. Every need is met and all of our wants, too. I feel spoiled. I am grateful our fridge repair man will be here this afternoon to repair our freezer. This unit is only 1.5 years old and it’s been a headache…we had a water leak Saturday that bled through the walls and outside and into the garage…it was awful. Luxury problems! However, he will be here today…our food will not go bad! Yay! Unfortunately we traded our fridge for this one from my ex- boss and never kept the receipt. No warranty. It’s not as if I can reach out to her and ask her for it either. Oh well. It can always be worse! I am grateful for this life of abundance and love!!!! Thank You, God!

What are you grateful for today?

Covid 19, Fitness, Goals, Gratitude, Life, Random, Recovery, Relationships, Running, Spirituality

Playing Catch (up)

I haven’t posted in almost a month. It’s been a long month. The weight of politics, especially here in the U.S., and Covid 19 being politicized, and this changing, chaotic world can often feel exceptionally heavy…and I have both strong spiritual and physical health foundations. I cannot imagine life without them today. I would indeed be certifiable!

I have had to disassociate somewhat from social media. I have unplugged from the news as well—I (well, WE) try to allot only ten minutes a day to avoid an aneurysm.

I ran over 217 miles for June & July (over 100 each month). So, since May I have run over 100 miles per month. I started August with 5.5 miles yesterday. I’m taking it easy today and tomorrow I will run before fasting for five days. I will walk through my fast but no running. I will walk a few miles a day and do gentle yoga for five days then do a long run next Sunday. Booyah!

I have been eating fairly plant based for the majority of July. My weight loss has been continuing slowly due to a few splurges here and there. I am studying holistic and wellness nutrition and coaching, which has been helping me so much. I have been practicing gratitude as well – always important to my mental state!

I started working for my End of Life Doula mentor as a contracted employee a few hours here and there. That will be good for me with my remote billing gig starting in September full time. Working remotely is my preference.

My husband and I have been practicing stay-at-home as it is a temporary inconvenience that may help to keep him healthy and out of the hospital. I leave the house for the occasional run, grocery store trips, and the rare doctor appointment. If I were to contract Covid and give it to him it would be very hard for me mentally, so I am doing all that I can to avoid that. He is working but stays in an office isolated from everyone. His meetings are all on Webex now. The staying at home is probably the most difficult thing for me. It is a small price to pay though. I will keep on keeping on!!!!

Hurricane season is upon us now, too. Isaias is storming up the Florida coast spewing rain. He’ll be here tonight though we don’t expect much more than rain…looks like he came to the U.S. and broke down…hehe.

I will be more accountable this month. I’m excited about the future. I am excited about learning and passing on my knowledge and experience. I want to be able to help others and in doing so I most certainly help myself!

What are you doing for yourself to bring joy and happiness to your days? Let me know! I would love to hear from you.


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