

Goals, Gratitude, Life, Running


Back in 2009, I believe, I started to write and share a gratitude list daily. I am absolutely convinced it changed my life for the better. Then I relapsed in 2012 and stopped for awhile….the shame kept me in hiding for bit. Less than a year after my relapse, I picked up a white chip and started over and continued writing my gratitude here and there but not consistently. Things started to get serious with my now husband nine months later, and my gratitude writing decreased significantly until it all together stopped. I have since started a “Women of Gratitude” group on Facebook but left it shortly after. Do you know why? Unforgiveness and fear. There were women in the group I did not want in my life due to hurt feelings and fear of judgement. I did not feel safe to be me. I don’t even know the stories around these resentments anymore. I don’t harbor current resentments but prefer to love from a distance. That is necessary sometimes. Of course, this is a public blog, but I am just not that important, in my mind or anyone else’s! I will focus on the love here and let all else go.

Anyhow…my point to the above is that I have no doubt, not one iota, that writing gratitude consistently on a daily basis, living and feeling that deep soul joy, brought me this amazing life I am living today. I am married to my best friend, we truly have so much fun. We may scoff from time to time but it is rare. I work from home, I am constantly learning and growing (Thank You, God! Everything IS–THANK YOU, GOD!!!), taking courses, etc., to be become better and better! I am surrounded by our sweet bulldogs, and I am a MINISTER of GOD!!! I am a minister of Love and hopefully inspiration! That is how I yearn to be, and I will keep on keeping on!

I’m so grateful for this day; for arising this 4th day in a row at 4 AM— for Hal Elrod’s “Miracle Morning”, which has inspired me over the years, and that it’s always there for when I forget or desire to be more, do more. To be and do more than I have been I have to show up. I am often, “too tired” to show up for myself. My birthday gift to myself this year is, “no excuses”. That is my mantra this 53rd year on this earth. I have made some necessary changes in my life to help me save some time as I can definitely spread myself pretty thin. This time is my gift to myself. I will utilize it to make myself smarter, stronger, faster, and get my coaching and ministry business off the ground. NO EXCUSES!!!

I am grateful for bulldogs snoring, a beautiful early morning sky, the funky music Coach Betsy played in our 5 AM run this morning (1920’s electric?!), the Charge Running App., over 4 miles run and done, the sounds of birds singing, my new “No Excuses” bracelet, so I don’t forget!, Whole Food Plant Based diet, for asking my husband for what I need (support arising early, and no more buying Sun Chips – I cannot resist them!), this amazing and abundant life—so very much to be grateful for! We are rich, absolutely rich in all of the ways that count…so much LOVE! I was thinking about when I was younger, kids growing, most of my life was spent living paycheck to paycheck, on the struggle bus. I made good money but kids, you know! Divorce never helps, either…it helps me to remember that so I can be so grateful to have gotten through it…and you know what? Everything always worked out! Always! Everything always WILL work out! God’s got us!!! Sooooooooooooooooooo much gratitude!!! xoxox

Fitness, Food!, Goals, Gratitude, Health & Wellness Coach, Holistic Nutritionist, Whole Food Plant Based

Miracle Morning

(Thank you, Hal Elrod)

I have read about many morning hacks for conquering your life, one day, one morning at a time. However, years ago, Hal Elrod’s book came into my life (“Miracle Morning”) and he has always been my go-to for getting back to rising early and tackling my day, my life, in a positive and transformational way. I will not settle for mediocrity!

Hal is a humble and inspiring man whose life demonstrates (over and over again) his refusal to let the trials and tribulations of this world get him down. I highly recommend his book and podcast (

So, here I am…scribing on my first day of a 30 day challenge! Just two weeks since I ran my second marathon (the first was tortuous last November – Hilton Head, I walked the last 10 miles)—I’m still physically tired but feeling stronger with each passing day. I got out and ran 4 miles with #ChargeRunning app, meditated for 15 minutes, read ACIM, did my affirmations, and visualization! Yay, to day one success!

This past Easter weekend was my birthday weekend. After not eating sugar since June of 2021, I caved. I received a three tiered goody birthday tower from my employer and all bets were off. I crumbled, using my birthday as an excuse. I ate crap all weekend. Now it’s time to detox and get back to whole food plant based eating.

After my run and stretching routine, I ate a piece of Ezekiel bread, lightly toasted with almond butter, a small bowl of blueberries, both topped with a flax, chia, hemp seed mix. It was delicious. The rest of my meals and snacks are as follows:

I have come to the conclusion that knowing what I now know; about food, nutrition, and health…I am only going to teach, promote, & support clients who are willing to move toward eating Whole Food Plant Based in this world. I am passionate about it. I cannot do otherwise with a clear conscious. I have learned too much. I have seen too much evidence. There is no going back. I will remain an encourager and cheerleader for all but will educate. I feel it is a duty.

It’s so challenging living with a wonderful man who prefers to load his body with pharmaceuticals, that have horrid side effects, rather than eat Whole Food Plant Based. I can only continue to be an example and let it go. Keep doing what I am doing. I am not in control.

Though I started this post, on day one, it is now day three…! No Excuses! Showing up and doing this thing!

Goals, Life, Running, Spirituality, Work LIfe

Spinning & Turning & Alas, Pausing


So here I am – after almost two years since starting this website— I have completed my Holistic Nutritionist Certification, my Health & Wellness Coaching Certification, a second Ministerial Ordination, various Counseling and Facilitator courses (see my profile here:, I made personal records in my races (5K, Half Marathon) and trained and ran (well, walked the last ten miles) my first Marathon. Now I am training for my second Marathon which will be in Maryland the first week in April! It is very apparent as to why I have not written much!

I am in still in the contemplation stage as to which direction to go and absolutely trust it will be revealed to me. I am showing up here as a part of that process. I have neglected my writing while completing all of the above, working a full time job, as well as taking care of six adorable bulldogs, and being an awesome wife…Oh, yeah, we added to our brood! Watson joined us last June and he’s a handful! Typical boy! He’s a truck…just pushes into whomever is in his way and plows them down. Freddie and I have both almost had our legs pushing out from beneath us from this little (in age only) boy!

Top row left to right: Gertrude, Harley Rose, Bentley. Bottom left to right: Greta, Watson, Myrtle (Lil’ Bit)

What is it I am meant to do? Not continually distract myself so I do not have have time to do what I am meant to do, I know that. It is amusing to witness how I busy myself with education, shopping, etc., to avoid moving forward. My fear/ego, no doubt…trying to stop my shine! Heehee. Since I started to type this several hours ago I have,1. played with my pictures, 2. ate lunch, 3. ordered glasses (not one but six pair), 4. finished watching a documentary on running, and 5. cleared out my email (umpteenth time today!)….seriously, that is nuts!

So, I came here initially (to my website) to update it to incorporate all that I want to “do” (services I want to offer) thinking that in doing so it will all blend and vibe, revealing my true destiny. I have been chatting about it with my husband and he said, “don’t change the name” (when I suggested doing so by possibly adding “minister”), then he added, “no one trusts ministers”, and proceeded to tell me a horrific story that was in the news that reflected ministers abusing the trust of the their trusted followers. So, uh, I do not make it a habit to watch the news on a regular basis, and this is why. It is a small percent that makes it ugly for the rest.

I picture myself at a booth with the signs, “End of Life Doula”, “Celebrant (Life and Death) Officiant, Mistrial Counseling with a focus on Inner Child, Inner Wisdom, Spiritual Awakening, and Relationships”, “Therapist is In” (similar to Lucy in Charlie Brown)—of course, I am NOT a therapist, and would never try to pretend that I am, but I assist my clients to find the answers within…a bit like an unpeeling of an onion, it’s a beautiful thing as the layers are removed. Nevertheless, titles continue, “Holistic Nutritionist”, “Health & Wellness Coach”, “Athlete”, with a focus on running…so, it’s Spirit vs. Ego, but it’s not…it is more aligned with how focusing on LIVING OUT LOUD guided by Love we are more connected to Spirit, to Shining and less engaged to the ego! Does that make sense? If I am speaking to Holy Spirit throughout the day, with each morsel I put in my mouth and each step I take, that is not ego driven. However, being human it is truly impossible to be this way 100 percent of the time but I will keep trying. I will sometimes catch myself when I make things about me versus community, such as a personal record over the unity of helping and inspiring others. Don’t get me wrong, we cannot be martyrs, it is okay to go for those PR’s and train alone, and do what I need to do for me from time to time for if I don’t I will be too burnt out to show up in the world as God would have me do so, but what am I doing the majority of the time? Is my presence resulting in inclusion or division? That is how it is revealed to me…when my presence results in separation of any form it is not of God. So, yes, it is very possible to be attached to this body and it’s fitness and help others, too, as long as I remember my Truth & be a minister to that, putting God first—Love-Unity! Ah, from an introvert, too. Ha!

Well, the good news is that I have clarity, the bad news is that I have no idea what to do with this information yet. What I do know though, without doubt, is that God will reveal more to me in His time, not mine. I will keep doing what is in front of me in consultation with Jesus/Holy Spirit and trust the process. Until then, I hope, pray, intend to show up more here as all unfolds.

I love you.


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