Childhood, Life, Random, Relationships

My Story

We all have our story. Our story is how other people relate to us. I always thought I shouldn’t share my story because I do not believe that my “story” is who I am…it’s a tale based on my perception and it is also rooted in the past. However, I have come to believe that if I am going to be of service to others, I have to share how I got to where I am today…living this amazing life far more bountiful than anything else I could have imagined, so let’s do this piecemeal…

I guess the best place to start is at the beginning!

I was born in a naval hospital in Portsmouth, VA in 1969. I was the youngest of five children. This is what I know (have been told): my dad met my mom in the Navy. He was out to sea a lot. She was an alcoholic “in her cups”. She would leave us five home alone for days on end. My oldest sister, seven years my senior, said she fed me mustard sandwiches due to lack of food. Hospital records show that I was very ill with the measles at before I was two years old. My dad’s signature was all of the paperwork. My older siblings had to steal food from the local store. Apparently someone reached my dad and notified him and he went AWOL to move us five children up to our Aunt’s home in Hudson, New York. He returned to active duty and his AWOL was forgiven (not sure if this is the right terminology but you get the point).

Forward to Hudson, New York….it was us five, with her five which makes ten! My memories begin there. Kick the can in the street, picking up ABC (already been chewed, yeah, gross) gum and eating it, a best friend, “Jackie”, my brother, Sean, on the stairwell with his underpants on his head, spitting peas in the AC floor vent, being told to play outside and not being able to go indoors for hours on end (teenagers were in charge–hehe), big trees, earthquakes, occasional visits from my big, burly dad, who was a stranger to me….my Big Wheel, being chased in an alley and bit by a German Shepherd dog, bats, bunk-beds, “I Love You” on the radio by Paul McCartney and Wings, sucking my thumb and getting in trouble for it…Raggedy Ann and Andy, learning to tie my shoes for the first time…then there was Fran, my dad’s second wife…moving from our aunt’s home to her home by carrying items down the street…sleeping in an attic…sitting in the window…fights, anger, broken items, step sister, Lynn, and step brothers?

The most profound memory of Hudson, NY, one which stayed with me all of my life and had the power to make me weep in my bed at night is this: I returned home from a party. I must have been around the age of four or five. I had a goody bag full of candy and treats. I gave some to my brother, Sean on the porch or before I even entered the house. Not long after I find myself upstairs in the room of the three K’s — Karen, Kathy, and Kati (sisters, and my cousin). They told me to go take the treats away from my brother so that they could have them. I did so. I do not even recall doing so…or his reaction at the time. However, this stayed with me and filled me with immense shame, guilt, and a consistent sadness the majority of my life. As an adult I did apologize to my brother, Sean, for taking his treats back then, I don’t recall but I am sure he laughed his infamous Sean laugh…I only know for this to haunt me so it may have affected him almost as profoundly. I wish he were still here to ask but that’s another story for another day.

What is your story? Do you realize how much you can help others by sharing it?

Goals, Gratitude, Random, Work LIfe

If Trump Can Be POTUS….

…I can do anything!

I have a lot on my heart and mind today. I do not mean to get political but here it is. Please do not take offense as this is my perspective. I am embarrassed that Trump is our President. I thought it was ludicrous when he was running for President, but when I awoke and found out he IS indeed the President life as I knew it crashed down around me. You see, I know of the Trump of the 80’s and 90’s even before his reality TV shows. I lived in NYC and so did he. He was pretty much a local joke—I never had respect for him nor thought he had an ounce of class or integrity. He was the “Enquirer” hype and type…not the “Town & Country” celebrity. How could someone like Donald Trump be the POTUS???? It was unreal. I was sure that my dad was rolling in his grave. He has done very little these past years to change my opinion of him at all. He turned out to the the President I believed he would be, unfortunately.

So, back to my point…if he can be the President…


I have pretty much wrecked my career as a Practice Administrator. Do you know why? Because I do not play the “game”. I stand up for what I feel is right. I burn bridges. I don’t mean to but the “justice” in doing the right thing plays on my Spirit. I have never been fired but I have resigned with my “Why” being known. My last job, I walked off. I was working for someone I would consider a narcissist and was being run down on the daily—mix that with unsafe Covid practices and adios. This person was reactionary and never paused before speaking…I had had enough. When I said, “you’re pushing me to quit”, I was told, “quit”, so….I quit—that day. Yeah, not a great thing to do in lining myself up for a successful transition into a similar job title.

Now it’s time to think outside of the box. It’s time to put any and all talents I have to use. It’s time to be my own boss and represent the values and qualities that are so important to me. I have always considered myself an “employees” manager. I stand for the people…for I truly feel any successful business is rooted in the happiness and appreciation of the team individually and as a whole.

More will be revealed…nothing is ever wasted. Thank you for joining me on this adventure!

What do you think defines a good leader?



What goals do you have for yourself? How do you prioritize them? One thing that has become apparent to me is that I am having a difficult time with time management while I am home. I have so much I want to accomplish, and don’t get me wrong, I do accomplish a lot…however, due to allowing myself to FEEL overwhelmed (not staying in the moment), I become paralyzed and set myself up for failure. Can you relate at all?

There is no sense in beating myself up (though I do at times) as feelings of inadequacy beget inadequacy! Meh.

My expectations should be realistic. I will focus on little goals verses ground shattering, life altering goals…as with each little step I am moving forward…and with each small advance I will eventually overcome a life altering goal before I know it.

Today I will schedule my next four business days out in my calendar. I will be liberal with my scheduling and even schedule “free time” so that do not bind myself up too rigorously.

What steps will you take in moving toward accomplishing your goals?

Fitness, Food!, Random, Running


I have been feeling stuck. So, what have I done? Avoided writing anything at all. So today I decided that I’m going to show up anyway and write about being stuck.

I am not sure what is going on but that is okay. “Mama said there’d be days like this, there’d be days like this my Mama said”, naw if it were anyone in my life telling me that it would have been my dad.

Mind you, I have not been stuck with exercise. I have been a beast these past two days working out for over an hour both with running and strength workouts (Barre). I feel very good about that! I am showing up.

I have not been stuck with feeding myself healthy foods either (after a pizza and sugar filled Sunday). I just polished off a wonderful homemade smoothie bowl. It was delish!

I sat down for a 15 minute meditation and ended up going for 34 minutes….ooops.

So, being stuck doesn’t always suck! There is a reason for everything…even stagnation! Celebrating my many successes today!

What can I celebrate with you today?
