What goals do you have for yourself? How do you prioritize them? One thing that has become apparent to me is that I am having a difficult time with time management while I am home. I have so much I want to accomplish, and don’t get me wrong, I do accomplish a lot…however, due to allowing myself to FEEL overwhelmed (not staying in the moment), I become paralyzed and set myself up for failure. Can you relate at all?

There is no sense in beating myself up (though I do at times) as feelings of inadequacy beget inadequacy! Meh.

My expectations should be realistic. I will focus on little goals verses ground shattering, life altering goals…as with each little step I am moving forward…and with each small advance I will eventually overcome a life altering goal before I know it.

Today I will schedule my next four business days out in my calendar. I will be liberal with my scheduling and even schedule “free time” so that do not bind myself up too rigorously.

What steps will you take in moving toward accomplishing your goals?