I haven’t posted in almost a month. It’s been a long month. The weight of politics, especially here in the U.S., and Covid 19 being politicized, and this changing, chaotic world can often feel exceptionally heavy…and I have both strong spiritual and physical health foundations. I cannot imagine life without them today. I would indeed be certifiable!

I have had to disassociate somewhat from social media. I have unplugged from the news as well—I (well, WE) try to allot only ten minutes a day to avoid an aneurysm.

I ran over 217 miles for June & July (over 100 each month). So, since May I have run over 100 miles per month. I started August with 5.5 miles yesterday. I’m taking it easy today and tomorrow I will run before fasting for five days. I will walk through my fast but no running. I will walk a few miles a day and do gentle yoga for five days then do a long run next Sunday. Booyah!

I have been eating fairly plant based for the majority of July. My weight loss has been continuing slowly due to a few splurges here and there. I am studying holistic and wellness nutrition and coaching, which has been helping me so much. I have been practicing gratitude as well – always important to my mental state!

I started working for my End of Life Doula mentor as a contracted employee a few hours here and there. That will be good for me with my remote billing gig starting in September full time. Working remotely is my preference.

My husband and I have been practicing stay-at-home as it is a temporary inconvenience that may help to keep him healthy and out of the hospital. I leave the house for the occasional run, grocery store trips, and the rare doctor appointment. If I were to contract Covid and give it to him it would be very hard for me mentally, so I am doing all that I can to avoid that. He is working but stays in an office isolated from everyone. His meetings are all on Webex now. The staying at home is probably the most difficult thing for me. It is a small price to pay though. I will keep on keeping on!!!!

Hurricane season is upon us now, too. Isaias is storming up the Florida coast spewing rain. He’ll be here tonight though we don’t expect much more than rain…looks like he came to the U.S. and broke down…hehe.

I will be more accountable this month. I’m excited about the future. I am excited about learning and passing on my knowledge and experience. I want to be able to help others and in doing so I most certainly help myself!

What are you doing for yourself to bring joy and happiness to your days? Let me know! I would love to hear from you.