



There is growth in stagnation. Rest is necessary to improve. Even in running, if we don’t run slow 80% of the time, or “easy”, you will not improve. And with that I will also add that the 20% of speed work and hill work is equally as important.

I am grateful, so very grateful for rest. I am tired. I have been trying to do so much and yet, have not been getting to some of the most important things to me (like this website), but that is okay! I have been through a lot of change and it is worth it to me. I am excited about my new venture! So very thrilled that I am willing to run and exercise at night which has, ugh, NEVER been a preference. It’s turning out easier than I anticipated, which is AAAWWWEEESSSOOOMMMEEEE!!!

I’m grateful for a body that moves, my spin bike, and a new to me bike (Gary Fisher/Big Sur) I bought used today! I’m feeling a wee achy due to an easy but long spin last evening. It is that good kind of achiness, not that awful, “I feel old” pain. I don’t experience that anymore unless I eat processed foods, sugars, dairy, or meat. No, thank you, not today (my husband literally, this minute, told me that he wants to go to Ritter’s for a frozen custard. I still struggle, addict that I am! However, I can do it for him without indulging! I’ve got this! Not always, but today I do!).

I’m grateful for going on “adventures” with the pups. They do not run. English Bulldogs will get terribly winded and sick if they run too very much. Play on words, folks! My website/coaching is all about maturing tenaciously! Bulldogs = tenacious. Absolutely! I will take one or two at a time on the leash and we will walk about 1/8 of a mile and back…they smile and are so joyous. It makes my day!

I’m grateful for an easy weekend. I needed an easy weekend. I do have to go to the dentist tomorrow for my bridge work. Payback for years of indulging in crap. I have always taken care of my teeth and practice(d) good hygiene, but it did not stand up against the processed and engineered food of the American diet. I’m thankful for this practice that I found when I was in excruciating pain on the weekend. Great dentist and awesome staff.

I’m grateful for this “chickpea” fettucine I’m enjoying as I type this. It has roasted eggplant, onions, and cauliflower in it. After heating it up I added raw spinach and sun-dried tomatoes. Delicious. Seasoned with garlic powder and Italian Seasoning, two of my favorites.

I have been very off kilter this week, this month. It is the return of thick humidity here in Florida, which takes the body time to adjust. The anniversary of my brother, Sean’s, premature death. Both Brian (youngest brother – another premature death) and Sean (3 years older), have birthdays this month, as well. “Death is nothing at all…”


Get Excited!

I had a hiccup. Slept in today. I did not hear my alarm go off. I was not very excited about that. However, I am excited now!

Is anyone else still having difficulties not putting two spaces in between sentences? Why did we ever do that anyhow? I must Google this! “The extra space was needed to delineate the beginning of a new sentence because the spacing between words was uneven on a typewriter.” Yeah, still don’t get it. I typed on a multitude of typewriters and never saw it looking uneven and requiring two spaces. But truly, the last typewriter I used was in the early 90’s, I have been on computers since then. Just weird. Lol! Another story in this world of tales!

Okay. Back to my excitement! I practiced my affirmations and visualization today. You know that feeling you get, that excited, everything-is-right-in-world feeling? That is the feeling we need to get in touch with EVERY DAY and throughout the day…it is that feeling that is electric, it is an energy and it it transmitted from your form out beyond all forms! Do I sound crazy?!? That’s okay if I do, but I feel it. I feel it intensely. It is this excitement that moves mountains. It is productive and transformative. And…it works! Don’t believe me? Try it for yourself! 30 Day Challenge? I dare you! You MUST tap into that feeling every morning and carry it into your day! It is doable by first thinking of people or events in your past where you had that feeling. Pick three. Let these beautiful memories wash over you and saturate your body in gratitude. Then carry these feelings with you into your visualizing three things you “see” happening for you in your future…oh yeah, that’s it!!! Do this activity for ten minutes and then when you are done write a gratitude list or journal. Let that energy carry you through your day.


To Russia In Love

Ukraine. How can I choose to see peace instead of unfairness, sadness, despair, warfare, and destruction?

For me to make sense of the nonsensical (which is ALL in this world) I choose to see Russia as the ego. It’s mission is to be special, powerful, strong, and mighty. Does this mission make it so? Does the demise result in peace or more demise? Hate begets hate here in this world of illusion. This world is designed to be painful and result in separation and angst. It would be silly of me to expect anything else.

Ken Wapnick used to say, “act normal” here. And I so appreciate that and hold onto to it, for any reaction that is not kind and loving, such as dismissing the tragedies of this world with malice or even humor, will result in more unkindness here. No, thank you.

In my openness, heart-light, and love I am able to encapsulate all Ukrainians, who are One with me, and, as uncomfortable as this may be, all Russian soldiers, civilians, and leaders, and energetically imagine them all as they really are; love and light, perfect, whole, complete, UNITED! I can choose to sit in the beauty and surety of this reality, experience the soul-tingle of Oneness. Victory is only of God as it is all that God knows, and as I am One with him, apart from this world, therefore, even though I forget, it is all that I know. With a sigh and am able to tap into that and breathe. Love begets Love, there is no way around that as that is all there is.

The means of war are not the means of peace, and what the warlike would remember is not love. ⁴War is impossible unless belief in victory is cherished. (ACIM, T-23.I.1:3-4)

An instant offered to the Holy Spirit is offered to God on your behalf, and in that instant you will awaken gently in Him. ⁷In the blessed instant you will let go all your past learning, and the Holy Spirit will quickly offer you the whole lesson of peace.” (ACIM, T-15.II.1:6-7)

Laying down all else, stepping outside of my box, this is how I awaken to the miracle. Leaving behind what I imagine, which is absolutely everything that is not of this very moment. Stop analyzing, victimizing, and being defensive over thoughts in my head. Oh the power I can give to these stream of lies! Past or future they are all vain imaginings into hell – separation – desolation. It can be quiet humorous how I will snatch on to any worldly offense (judgment) and turn it into a vast empire that has officially declared war against me.

Not realizing the freedom in the moment, and each new beginning granted to me in simply pausing and letting go, allowing in peace, I easily slip into condemnation from past behavior, my past harms, or future imaginings. These stories kept me in the fetal position whishing for death, the bottle in my hand, a person in my bed, empty candy bar wrappings in a pile around me, and monsters in my head. They destroyed any possibility of present joy. I was a prisoner. I blamed others for holding onto and hiding the key to my cell door lavishing in the thought of my living hell. Meanwhile, I had a death grip on this hard cold piece of metal in my hand.

The power of decision is your one remaining freedom as a prisoner of this world. (ACIM, T-12.VII.9:1)

With a deep breath I can let go. Let go of my judgements. Let go of my tiny perceptions that will never see the entire picture regardless of how hard I try to. Let go that I (haha) know better than God. Let go of it all and simple hold on to the Love…behave from the Love….share the Love…SHINE the Love.

And so it is.


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