Fitness, Food!, Random, Running


I have been feeling stuck. So, what have I done? Avoided writing anything at all. So today I decided that I’m going to show up anyway and write about being stuck.

I am not sure what is going on but that is okay. “Mama said there’d be days like this, there’d be days like this my Mama said”, naw if it were anyone in my life telling me that it would have been my dad.

Mind you, I have not been stuck with exercise. I have been a beast these past two days working out for over an hour both with running and strength workouts (Barre). I feel very good about that! I am showing up.

I have not been stuck with feeding myself healthy foods either (after a pizza and sugar filled Sunday). I just polished off a wonderful homemade smoothie bowl. It was delish!

I sat down for a 15 minute meditation and ended up going for 34 minutes….ooops.

So, being stuck doesn’t always suck! There is a reason for everything…even stagnation! Celebrating my many successes today!

What can I celebrate with you today?