


31 Day Challenge

  1. Fridge purge. Throw out (or give away) EVERYTHING that is not whole food or a plant! We have 31 days that we are going to avoid everything else…all processed foods and sugar.
  2. Pantry purge – if you have any Hohos &/or Twinkies, throw them all out (I wouldn’t even advise you give them to anyone…lol) before the 1st! Make donations to a local shelter.
  3. Start thinking about the COMMITTMENT you are making to yourself, a promise, “I am DONE eating crap! I love my body and I am going to feed it demonstrating that love.” You are a #BadButt!!!!
  4. We will start with a five day Fast Mimicking Diet (not for weight loss, though that will occur, but with a focus on how healing and restorative it is for the body). Women, no more than 600 calories a day, Men, no more than 800 calories a day. All calories are to be plant based whole food (lists will be provided). You can purchase a 5 day Prolon Fast (link about science behind: or buy a big ol’ tub of washed mixed Greens, add a container of hummus (read the label! no sugar added – preferably no oil, too, but not the end of the world if a little! or make your own here: )- add it to the greens, shake it up, three servings for the day and you will still have calories left for an apple or banana as a snack! (this suggestion is from David Clark, RIP, in “Eat Sh$t And Die”, I am utilizing a lot of his practices here…he was a WFPB Ultra Runner and Badbutt – I highly suggest that you read this book as he is much more blunt than I am & very inspiring).
  5. For 31 days (you can do anything for 31 days, one day at a time!!!) you will ingest only plants and whole food (whole grains/seeds/beans – a full list will be posted at a later time), and eat zip, zero, none of the following for this challenge: Dairy, Meat, Seafood, Poultry, Sugar, Highly processed foods, oils (you will eat natural oils – nut butters, avocados, etc.). I will be posting suggested meals and meal plans for you to take advantage of these next 31 days as well as shopping lists, meal prep suggestions, etc. You can make it as simple as you need it to be, or elaborate!
  6. We will practice Mindful eating. Meals at the table without distractions. No phones!
  7. We will meditate at least 2x times daily. If experienced you can do so for as long as you like, if new, I will post meditations daily to lead you, lasting 5-10 minutes each.
  8. Journaling…daily at least five minutes to as long as you would like with a focus on gratitude.
  9. Movement. 30 minutes a day. Mindful movement! Walk, jog, run, stretch, housework…whatever floats your boat – just do it!
  10. I do ask that you post daily in the group. This is an important demonstration of your commitment & it holds you accountable.

As we move along in the Challenge I will share the evidence behind why it is that WFPB eating is the way to go for optimal health and healing of our bodies. It is proven to reverse chronic disease and even cancer. I will also be posting suggested reading and movies. I have been a Holistic Nutritionist for almost two years now and a certified Health & Wellness Coach for over a year. This Challenge is a result of all that I have learned in my studies (over two years in my certification programs, and I have continued my education since). I always say that nothing is of me and nothing is mine, because it is not, I am simply a channel…please share with anyone who you feel may benefit.


Marcus Monday!

What makes you excited today? Think about one thing and focus on that. Feel it energize you and fill you with love!

Today I am celebrating my little grandson, Marcus. He is eight today. For the next three months he, and his sister, Moriah, will be eight together. How cool is that? Yep. Irish Twins!

When Marcus was born he was premature. It was scary, to be sure. He was six weeks early but right on time! He was in the hospital for almost six weeks but you wouldn’t know it today. He is as strong and hearty as can be.

Marcus loves video games, just like his Daddy. He also enjoys Pokémon, playing with his Beagles, and hanging out with his sister, Moriah (a.k.a. “Momo”, like Grandmo). Marcus is a little shy, and so very sweet. He’s a looker, too, just like his mommy! He is learning to roller-skate and this video is from early November of this year:


January Challenge!

The January Challenge incorporates mind, body and spirit, as they are all interconnected. It is challenging to be successful in one area alone for the long haul. We will be learning about mindfulness, exercise, meditation, and whole food plant-based eating. How much you participate is up to you. There is no judgment whatsoever. I am charging for this so that only those who are more serious will partake. Whole food plant-based eating has been proven scientifically (is evidence-based) to improve and even heal/reverse chronic diseases, such as vascular disease and diabetes, and even cancer—-this is why it is the lifestyle diet of my choice. I don’t know about you, but I want to remain healthy and strong as long as possible so that I can remain independent. I also insist on living in joy and peace as much as possible—-👏🏻💓🎉🙏🏻
Always a work in progress!!!

There is a fee. Please review membership questions. Payment must be made prior to being let in the group.

Join here:


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