What makes you excited today? Think about one thing and focus on that. Feel it energize you and fill you with love!

Today I am celebrating my little grandson, Marcus. He is eight today. For the next three months he, and his sister, Moriah, will be eight together. How cool is that? Yep. Irish Twins!

When Marcus was born he was premature. It was scary, to be sure. He was six weeks early but right on time! He was in the hospital for almost six weeks but you wouldn’t know it today. He is as strong and hearty as can be.

Marcus loves video games, just like his Daddy. He also enjoys Pokémon, playing with his Beagles, and hanging out with his sister, Moriah (a.k.a. “Momo”, like Grandmo). Marcus is a little shy, and so very sweet. He’s a looker, too, just like his mommy! He is learning to roller-skate and this video is from early November of this year: