(Thank you, Hal Elrod)

I have read about many morning hacks for conquering your life, one day, one morning at a time. However, years ago, Hal Elrod’s book came into my life (“Miracle Morning”) and he has always been my go-to for getting back to rising early and tackling my day, my life, in a positive and transformational way. I will not settle for mediocrity!

Hal is a humble and inspiring man whose life demonstrates (over and over again) his refusal to let the trials and tribulations of this world get him down. I highly recommend his book and podcast (https://halelrod.com/).

So, here I am…scribing on my first day of a 30 day challenge! Just two weeks since I ran my second marathon (the first was tortuous last November – Hilton Head, I walked the last 10 miles)—I’m still physically tired but feeling stronger with each passing day. I got out and ran 4 miles with #ChargeRunning app, meditated for 15 minutes, read ACIM, did my affirmations, and visualization! Yay, to day one success!

This past Easter weekend was my birthday weekend. After not eating sugar since June of 2021, I caved. I received a three tiered goody birthday tower from my employer and all bets were off. I crumbled, using my birthday as an excuse. I ate crap all weekend. Now it’s time to detox and get back to whole food plant based eating.

After my run and stretching routine, I ate a piece of Ezekiel bread, lightly toasted with almond butter, a small bowl of blueberries, both topped with a flax, chia, hemp seed mix. It was delicious. The rest of my meals and snacks are as follows:

I have come to the conclusion that knowing what I now know; about food, nutrition, and health…I am only going to teach, promote, & support clients who are willing to move toward eating Whole Food Plant Based in this world. I am passionate about it. I cannot do otherwise with a clear conscious. I have learned too much. I have seen too much evidence. There is no going back. I will remain an encourager and cheerleader for all but will educate. I feel it is a duty.

It’s so challenging living with a wonderful man who prefers to load his body with pharmaceuticals, that have horrid side effects, rather than eat Whole Food Plant Based. I can only continue to be an example and let it go. Keep doing what I am doing. I am not in control.

Though I started this post, on day one, it is now day three…! No Excuses! Showing up and doing this thing!