

Bulldogs, Covid 19, Fitness, Food!, Goals, Gratitude, Life, Relationships, Running, Spirituality

Today Is The First Day…

“Today is the first day of the rest of my life”…hehe. Did you know this is a John Denver song? I did not. Until I was today-days-old! This was attributed to Charles Dederich (1978) but I do believe John Denver used it first (1969).

It is a quote full of hope though, isn’t it? How many times have I allowed thoughts of my past to darken my present?!? Whew! Then the darkness takes over and and old, toxic behaviors continue. Not today!!!!

After a weekend of not staying the course of my plant based healthy food journey I am up over three pounds today AND I am not feeling well. Allergies are totally sucking, too. My head, eyes, nose…none are too happy. Am I going to get down about this? Nope! Starting a five day fast AND I am going to run today. I will walk the rest of the week though and not run again until Sunday. I wish I could fast and run but my body will not allow that. Ever since my mid forties I can really tell a difference as to how my body reacts to what it is I am putting into it. Age and not drinking alcohol both contributed much to that I am sure!

I woke late today and have been working with ACIM and procrastinating studying. Why do some text books have to be so big? It is more difficult to pick up a big clunky text book than it is a smaller one. I know this must be proven somewhere! 🙂

A Course in Miracles was my salvation this morning. I have been seething by Trump and Trumpers lately. I was grateful for the lesson this morning that returned me to sanity. It is not for me to understand. I am projecting outward…judging them wrong, me right…judging them inferior and me superior….adding to the SEPARATION and, in doing so, I am only prolonging my own misery and self-condemnation in the process. It’s not worth it. I am grateful I can change my thoughts…return to love.

In conclusion of today’s post…I am grateful. Grateful the hurricane blew past us 100 miles off the coast (prayers for the Carolinas). I am grateful for these five bulldogs and all of the love, peace, and joy they add to each day. I am grateful for a loving and supportive, and FUNNY, oh, and intelligent husband…we truly have the best life. I am grateful my five LOVES (Brody, Brianna, Paige, Moriah, and Marcus) are all healthy and well. I miss them so and need my fix but will ride out this Covid crap first. I’m grateful for our beautiful safe, warm home with so many comforts. Every need is met and all of our wants, too. I feel spoiled. I am grateful our fridge repair man will be here this afternoon to repair our freezer. This unit is only 1.5 years old and it’s been a headache…we had a water leak Saturday that bled through the walls and outside and into the garage…it was awful. Luxury problems! However, he will be here today…our food will not go bad! Yay! Unfortunately we traded our fridge for this one from my ex- boss and never kept the receipt. No warranty. It’s not as if I can reach out to her and ask her for it either. Oh well. It can always be worse! I am grateful for this life of abundance and love!!!! Thank You, God!

What are you grateful for today?

Fitness, Food!, Life, Running


Well, today I weighed in less than I have in over a year. Kudos to me! I’m happy with that success. Especially after a “donut weekend”. That is a weekend where, well, I ate a lot of donuts. Breakfast both days and snack both days. Yep. A sugar fix to say the least. Sometimes when I do that I am not able to get back….this time I was. Whew! I would not recommend it as truly often I have a very difficult time finding my way to healthy eating and putting down the sugar. It is not worth it.

I’m grateful that when I eat healthy my husband gets into it as he recognizes the changes, too! Don’t get me wrong, he won’t eat as healthy but he moderates and does so much better. Whoop whoop!

I have been running almost daily, too. Over 3 miles a day. I can’t believe it. I have also added in a 15 minute strength workout. I stretch while doing that and it’s absolutely yummy.

I am eating about 90% Vegan, so that is dairy free, too. I am not doing that for my diet but for the animals. I am pretty sure donuts are not Vegan. I had the misfortune of turning on one of those films where it shows how the animals are treated and “cared” for before slaughter and it was disgusting. I do not want to contribute to that. Not that I will make a huge difference but it matters to me. I was horrified and had to turn the documentary off. I will eat seafood on occasion and dairy on occasion and very little meat —it will be the exception.

Time to get my run on!!!!

Peace, Love, & Joy to you, my friend!!!!

Fitness, Food!, Random, Running


I have been feeling stuck. So, what have I done? Avoided writing anything at all. So today I decided that I’m going to show up anyway and write about being stuck.

I am not sure what is going on but that is okay. “Mama said there’d be days like this, there’d be days like this my Mama said”, naw if it were anyone in my life telling me that it would have been my dad.

Mind you, I have not been stuck with exercise. I have been a beast these past two days working out for over an hour both with running and strength workouts (Barre). I feel very good about that! I am showing up.

I have not been stuck with feeding myself healthy foods either (after a pizza and sugar filled Sunday). I just polished off a wonderful homemade smoothie bowl. It was delish!

I sat down for a 15 minute meditation and ended up going for 34 minutes….ooops.

So, being stuck doesn’t always suck! There is a reason for everything…even stagnation! Celebrating my many successes today!

What can I celebrate with you today?

Fitness, Food!, Gratitude, Menopause, Perimenopause, Running, Spirituality

Try, Try Again!

“If at first you don’t succeed, try, try again!”…we’ve all heard this phrase before (haven’t we?). Did you know that it can be traced back to the 1700’s? It is definitely relatable to have carried itself here into the year of 2020. There is no shame in not being perfect. Perfection is an impossibility in this human condition. I have always believed that there is reason even in stagnation. Sometimes the expectations that we place upon ourselves are too high, too much, and/or too soon. And you know what—that is okay. To harbor guilt and shame only stifle and beat down leading to throwing in the towel…raising the white flag….giving up. Not today, stinking thinking!!!

I started a Detox two days ago and after feeling very ill yesterday, I ate. I was exceptionally fatigued. I am running a half marathon on Sunday (my first). I cannot afford to be weak right now. Am I beating myself up? Hell yeah because that is what my ego wants me to do. I also did not run yesterday. Yep, I’m telling myself that I am a “lazy looser”. Insanity! I have run over 100 miles this month of May, and yes, this menopausal body is not as I would have it, but I am a beast!! Instead of sinking into a mire of self pity and depression starting the downward slope into negativity I will make a plan and focus on the positive…hold onto that “why” and remember my mantras/affirmations.

Life is a series of moments and in each new moment we have a choice. We do not have to listen to our thoughts—good, bad, or indifferent.

Today, I will pause frequently and focus on the positive…aligning with my higher purpose, and remember who it is I am!


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