Well, today I weighed in less than I have in over a year. Kudos to me! I’m happy with that success. Especially after a “donut weekend”. That is a weekend where, well, I ate a lot of donuts. Breakfast both days and snack both days. Yep. A sugar fix to say the least. Sometimes when I do that I am not able to get back….this time I was. Whew! I would not recommend it as truly often I have a very difficult time finding my way to healthy eating and putting down the sugar. It is not worth it.

I’m grateful that when I eat healthy my husband gets into it as he recognizes the changes, too! Don’t get me wrong, he won’t eat as healthy but he moderates and does so much better. Whoop whoop!

I have been running almost daily, too. Over 3 miles a day. I can’t believe it. I have also added in a 15 minute strength workout. I stretch while doing that and it’s absolutely yummy.

I am eating about 90% Vegan, so that is dairy free, too. I am not doing that for my diet but for the animals. I am pretty sure donuts are not Vegan. I had the misfortune of turning on one of those films where it shows how the animals are treated and “cared” for before slaughter and it was disgusting. I do not want to contribute to that. Not that I will make a huge difference but it matters to me. I was horrified and had to turn the documentary off. I will eat seafood on occasion and dairy on occasion and very little meat —it will be the exception.

Time to get my run on!!!!

Peace, Love, & Joy to you, my friend!!!!