

Bulldogs, Covid 19, Fasting, Fitness, Food!, Goals, Life, Menopause, Perimenopause, ProLon FMD, Recovery, Running

Join Me Vlogging!!! Day One.

Thank you for joining me! If you are interested in following my journey please subscribe to my YouTube channel. I’m a bit of a rambler above…

If you are interested in ProLon the link is here: This is not a personal link that I get a portion of sales or such…sharing out of LOVE, only! It is fast mimicking 5 day meal program. The last time I did it I experienced a headache on day day four….drink a lot of water!!!!

See you tomorrow!!!!! Hugs! In-Joy & Love, Maureen

Fasting, Fitness, Goals, Life

My Experience with ProLon Fast Mimicking Diet

I would love to do a water fast but it sounds treacherous. Kudos to any of you that have moved through one successfully. As I am “maturing” I am so much more aware of my body – – of course, not drinking or using drugs helps, too. When I was younger I could give blood and go out dancing, now, at 51, when I give blood I have to rest immediately for 30-60 minutes or I will get faint and dizzy. No more riding my Harley to Blood Drives!!!

So. I tried the ProLon fast mimicking diet after hearing about in in the documentary, “Fasting”. My menopausal body was finally allowing me to loose weight (after getting on hormones, mind you) and I wanted to detox to start anew. ProLon to the rescue! As with any fast, you have to be in the right state of mind. Investigation and taking advantage of all the perks (a lovely call with Faith, a counselor/ProLon mentor) are important. I know I am one of those, “I’ll do it my way”, but really, how often has that worked out for me? Ha! Anyhow, I reviewed it, learned about it and decided to bite the bullet.

I ordered the fancier kit #2 with more exotic soup choices. Day one went well. I even ran almost four miles that morning. I knew that running/exercising through a fast is not advisable, perhaps unless it is light yoga or stretching. The soups are a bit gritty and some are better than others but they were doable. I wasn’t expecting a whole lot, it was a fast mimicking diet, after all. The bars and kale crackers were delicious. Day one had the most food, which makes sense.

I enjoyed the plain Butternut Squash soup the most. My least favorite was the Black Bean. I added extra water and some spices, too, which is allowed. I love a little kick so enjoyed cayenne pepper. The guideline from the website is no more that 1 teaspoon max per day (not per serving as you will eat soup 2x a day). You can add “pinches” and then don’t have to stress about getting over the max daily amount. Enjoy the following: oregano, basil, lemon juice, chili powder, paprika, turmeric, cumin, curry, lime juice, cilantro, garlic, Tabasco, cayenne, sage, thyme, ginger, parsley, and I used Redmond real salt and it was fine.

I would strongly suggest drinking the “L-Drink” in the Hibiscus tea. It makes it much more enjoyable. The L-Drink “is formulated to provide vegetable-based nutritional support during the diet. It provides you with glycerol, which in the fasting mode helps to protect amino acids (to preserve lean body mass) and promote hydration.”

I would suggest on those days you don’t get a crunch bar for dessert to save half of your Lbar from the morning or some of your kale chips. It helps beat that craving. On the days I had only Kale Chips I had one for lunch, one for dinner, and one for snack. Review your entire menu each morning and plan it out if you want to stretch any of those items. Evenings are more difficult for me than throughout the day so I knew I had to have something then.

Physically I felt pretty good through most of my fast. On day two I was a little more fatigued but on day three and four my energy was renewed. I did too much. On day four I decided to mow (3.5 miles) and on day five I suffered a terrible headache. It was definitely a result of pushing myself too much and perhaps some dehydration, too. Oh yes, and you can enjoy one cup of black coffee each morning! Thank goodness that is how I drink my coffee anyhow!

ProLon Fast (4 of the five days)

Overall I was tickled with this fast. I will most definitely be doing it again. I lost 7 pounds over the five days. I would recommend it to most healthy folks. Of course, you should always discuss with your doctor first. Isn’t that what everyone says? No one wants responsibility. Of course, we are all responsible for ourselves so educate yourself!

Here is where you can find out more about ProLon:

Let me know about your fasting experience(s). I would love to hear about them!

Bulldogs, Covid 19, Fitness, Food!, Goals, Gratitude, Life, Relationships, Running, Spirituality

Today Is The First Day…

“Today is the first day of the rest of my life”…hehe. Did you know this is a John Denver song? I did not. Until I was today-days-old! This was attributed to Charles Dederich (1978) but I do believe John Denver used it first (1969).

It is a quote full of hope though, isn’t it? How many times have I allowed thoughts of my past to darken my present?!? Whew! Then the darkness takes over and and old, toxic behaviors continue. Not today!!!!

After a weekend of not staying the course of my plant based healthy food journey I am up over three pounds today AND I am not feeling well. Allergies are totally sucking, too. My head, eyes, nose…none are too happy. Am I going to get down about this? Nope! Starting a five day fast AND I am going to run today. I will walk the rest of the week though and not run again until Sunday. I wish I could fast and run but my body will not allow that. Ever since my mid forties I can really tell a difference as to how my body reacts to what it is I am putting into it. Age and not drinking alcohol both contributed much to that I am sure!

I woke late today and have been working with ACIM and procrastinating studying. Why do some text books have to be so big? It is more difficult to pick up a big clunky text book than it is a smaller one. I know this must be proven somewhere! 🙂

A Course in Miracles was my salvation this morning. I have been seething by Trump and Trumpers lately. I was grateful for the lesson this morning that returned me to sanity. It is not for me to understand. I am projecting outward…judging them wrong, me right…judging them inferior and me superior….adding to the SEPARATION and, in doing so, I am only prolonging my own misery and self-condemnation in the process. It’s not worth it. I am grateful I can change my thoughts…return to love.

In conclusion of today’s post…I am grateful. Grateful the hurricane blew past us 100 miles off the coast (prayers for the Carolinas). I am grateful for these five bulldogs and all of the love, peace, and joy they add to each day. I am grateful for a loving and supportive, and FUNNY, oh, and intelligent husband…we truly have the best life. I am grateful my five LOVES (Brody, Brianna, Paige, Moriah, and Marcus) are all healthy and well. I miss them so and need my fix but will ride out this Covid crap first. I’m grateful for our beautiful safe, warm home with so many comforts. Every need is met and all of our wants, too. I feel spoiled. I am grateful our fridge repair man will be here this afternoon to repair our freezer. This unit is only 1.5 years old and it’s been a headache…we had a water leak Saturday that bled through the walls and outside and into the garage…it was awful. Luxury problems! However, he will be here today…our food will not go bad! Yay! Unfortunately we traded our fridge for this one from my ex- boss and never kept the receipt. No warranty. It’s not as if I can reach out to her and ask her for it either. Oh well. It can always be worse! I am grateful for this life of abundance and love!!!! Thank You, God!

What are you grateful for today?

Covid 19, Fitness, Goals, Gratitude, Life, Random, Recovery, Relationships, Running, Spirituality

Playing Catch (up)

I haven’t posted in almost a month. It’s been a long month. The weight of politics, especially here in the U.S., and Covid 19 being politicized, and this changing, chaotic world can often feel exceptionally heavy…and I have both strong spiritual and physical health foundations. I cannot imagine life without them today. I would indeed be certifiable!

I have had to disassociate somewhat from social media. I have unplugged from the news as well—I (well, WE) try to allot only ten minutes a day to avoid an aneurysm.

I ran over 217 miles for June & July (over 100 each month). So, since May I have run over 100 miles per month. I started August with 5.5 miles yesterday. I’m taking it easy today and tomorrow I will run before fasting for five days. I will walk through my fast but no running. I will walk a few miles a day and do gentle yoga for five days then do a long run next Sunday. Booyah!

I have been eating fairly plant based for the majority of July. My weight loss has been continuing slowly due to a few splurges here and there. I am studying holistic and wellness nutrition and coaching, which has been helping me so much. I have been practicing gratitude as well – always important to my mental state!

I started working for my End of Life Doula mentor as a contracted employee a few hours here and there. That will be good for me with my remote billing gig starting in September full time. Working remotely is my preference.

My husband and I have been practicing stay-at-home as it is a temporary inconvenience that may help to keep him healthy and out of the hospital. I leave the house for the occasional run, grocery store trips, and the rare doctor appointment. If I were to contract Covid and give it to him it would be very hard for me mentally, so I am doing all that I can to avoid that. He is working but stays in an office isolated from everyone. His meetings are all on Webex now. The staying at home is probably the most difficult thing for me. It is a small price to pay though. I will keep on keeping on!!!!

Hurricane season is upon us now, too. Isaias is storming up the Florida coast spewing rain. He’ll be here tonight though we don’t expect much more than rain…looks like he came to the U.S. and broke down…hehe.

I will be more accountable this month. I’m excited about the future. I am excited about learning and passing on my knowledge and experience. I want to be able to help others and in doing so I most certainly help myself!

What are you doing for yourself to bring joy and happiness to your days? Let me know! I would love to hear from you.


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