

Fitness, Food!, Random, Running


I have been feeling stuck. So, what have I done? Avoided writing anything at all. So today I decided that I’m going to show up anyway and write about being stuck.

I am not sure what is going on but that is okay. “Mama said there’d be days like this, there’d be days like this my Mama said”, naw if it were anyone in my life telling me that it would have been my dad.

Mind you, I have not been stuck with exercise. I have been a beast these past two days working out for over an hour both with running and strength workouts (Barre). I feel very good about that! I am showing up.

I have not been stuck with feeding myself healthy foods either (after a pizza and sugar filled Sunday). I just polished off a wonderful homemade smoothie bowl. It was delish!

I sat down for a 15 minute meditation and ended up going for 34 minutes….ooops.

So, being stuck doesn’t always suck! There is a reason for everything…even stagnation! Celebrating my many successes today!

What can I celebrate with you today?

Fitness, Food!, Gratitude, Menopause, Perimenopause, Running, Spirituality

Try, Try Again!

“If at first you don’t succeed, try, try again!”…we’ve all heard this phrase before (haven’t we?). Did you know that it can be traced back to the 1700’s? It is definitely relatable to have carried itself here into the year of 2020. There is no shame in not being perfect. Perfection is an impossibility in this human condition. I have always believed that there is reason even in stagnation. Sometimes the expectations that we place upon ourselves are too high, too much, and/or too soon. And you know what—that is okay. To harbor guilt and shame only stifle and beat down leading to throwing in the towel…raising the white flag….giving up. Not today, stinking thinking!!!

I started a Detox two days ago and after feeling very ill yesterday, I ate. I was exceptionally fatigued. I am running a half marathon on Sunday (my first). I cannot afford to be weak right now. Am I beating myself up? Hell yeah because that is what my ego wants me to do. I also did not run yesterday. Yep, I’m telling myself that I am a “lazy looser”. Insanity! I have run over 100 miles this month of May, and yes, this menopausal body is not as I would have it, but I am a beast!! Instead of sinking into a mire of self pity and depression starting the downward slope into negativity I will make a plan and focus on the positive…hold onto that “why” and remember my mantras/affirmations.

Life is a series of moments and in each new moment we have a choice. We do not have to listen to our thoughts—good, bad, or indifferent.

Today, I will pause frequently and focus on the positive…aligning with my higher purpose, and remember who it is I am!

Fitness, Food!, Running

Live AS-IF!

How many times have we heard “all good things take time”? And yet, I have always believed that I was to be an exception. “Well, maybe for you…but not me”! Ha. My history has proven over and over again, that yes, all good things take time. Let us not use a judgement word, “good”, and instead use the word “change”. All change takes time…for even if an athletic person wanted to let themselves go and be a couch potato, well, that would not happen overnight either though it would be easier because there would be very little discipline involved.

Discipline—and there it is. Discipline and dedication are the keys to improvement whether it be with a meditation practice, exercise, eating healthy, starting a business….ad infinitum.

What was the payoff for you when you persevered with a change that you wanted in your life? What happened when you caved and told yourself that you could not do it?

Almost every program I have ever participated in for self improvement we started with writing down our “WHY”. However, what I have found is more than a why is required for me. I would write down my “why” and lay it aside. Yes, I meant it at the time but I wasn’t ready because if I was, I would have gotten excited about it, repeated it, lived it. Writing it down is not enough. Sure, I held on to it for a day, maybe even a week, but without the daily practice of reminding myself of it, breathing it in, turning it into affirmations/mantras, visualizing it, manifesting it…it would soon be put aside and forgotten leading to one more big black “X” in my “worthless” column that I revere and hold onto in the back of my mind without even being consciously aware of it.

I turned “why” into mantras that I repeat throughout my day. When I am running and utterly exhausted I mentally cling to my mantras saying them over and over again. I also find that as-if mantras are necessary. It is more effective if I say, “I am a beast” verses “I want to be a beast”. Live as if! The power of our mind is exceptional and miracle inducing! It produces the as-if so I want to live as a beast instead of in the state of wanting to be a beast. Wanting produces lack. No, thank you, I’ve settled for that too often in my life. It’s time to MANIFEST MY WHY!

To recap, I determine what change I want to produce in my life, then I need to evaluate what discipline and determination is required of me –be clear on what is necessary to commit, write down my “why”, sit with it, rewrite it….fall in love with it, turn it into affirmations and mantras, get excited!, post my AS-IF statements all over my home…sit in meditation and SEE what my life looks like with this change manifested! Repeat the affirmations/mantras/manifesting at least daily!

Have you written down your “why” for goals you wish to accomplish? How do you manifest your “why” in your life?

Fitness, Food!, Menopause, Perimenopause, Running


I am so tickled to be here. What a gift! Thank you for joining me on this journey.

I started a three day “cleanse” today to help me detox from sugar. Have you ever cleansed? It is not particularly fun to move through but once you get on the other side….oh yes, it is worth it. I have been putting this off for weeks. I love sugar! Well, I think I do. When I eat it though….my hot flashes increase, my body aches, I become fat in the tummy, and bloated. No, thank you. I love being healthy! I am healthy and sugar/processed food free! Just for today! One day at a time!

I entered a running challenge for the month of May. My goal was to run/walk/hike 75 miles. Yesterday, 5/25, I hit 100.1!!!!!! Though I hiked the majority of my miles were with running. I have never ran so much in one month. My new goal is now 130 miles by the 31st…pretty cool for this 51 year old broad! If I can do this, anyone can do anything! I was never athletic. I smoked a pack a day of cigarettes most of my life. How did I get here? I always hated running, too, if you can believe it. I don’t know if you are impressed but I am!

What things do you have on your “I Love Me” list that you would like to accomplish? Let’s astound ourselves!!!!!!


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