How many times have we heard “all good things take time”? And yet, I have always believed that I was to be an exception. “Well, maybe for you…but not me”! Ha. My history has proven over and over again, that yes, all good things take time. Let us not use a judgement word, “good”, and instead use the word “change”. All change takes time…for even if an athletic person wanted to let themselves go and be a couch potato, well, that would not happen overnight either though it would be easier because there would be very little discipline involved.

Discipline—and there it is. Discipline and dedication are the keys to improvement whether it be with a meditation practice, exercise, eating healthy, starting a business….ad infinitum.

What was the payoff for you when you persevered with a change that you wanted in your life? What happened when you caved and told yourself that you could not do it?

Almost every program I have ever participated in for self improvement we started with writing down our “WHY”. However, what I have found is more than a why is required for me. I would write down my “why” and lay it aside. Yes, I meant it at the time but I wasn’t ready because if I was, I would have gotten excited about it, repeated it, lived it. Writing it down is not enough. Sure, I held on to it for a day, maybe even a week, but without the daily practice of reminding myself of it, breathing it in, turning it into affirmations/mantras, visualizing it, manifesting it…it would soon be put aside and forgotten leading to one more big black “X” in my “worthless” column that I revere and hold onto in the back of my mind without even being consciously aware of it.

I turned “why” into mantras that I repeat throughout my day. When I am running and utterly exhausted I mentally cling to my mantras saying them over and over again. I also find that as-if mantras are necessary. It is more effective if I say, “I am a beast” verses “I want to be a beast”. Live as if! The power of our mind is exceptional and miracle inducing! It produces the as-if so I want to live as a beast instead of in the state of wanting to be a beast. Wanting produces lack. No, thank you, I’ve settled for that too often in my life. It’s time to MANIFEST MY WHY!

To recap, I determine what change I want to produce in my life, then I need to evaluate what discipline and determination is required of me –be clear on what is necessary to commit, write down my “why”, sit with it, rewrite it….fall in love with it, turn it into affirmations and mantras, get excited!, post my AS-IF statements all over my home…sit in meditation and SEE what my life looks like with this change manifested! Repeat the affirmations/mantras/manifesting at least daily!

Have you written down your “why” for goals you wish to accomplish? How do you manifest your “why” in your life?