I admit it. I have been furious. Furious with the lack of leadership in my state (Florida) and furious with the lack of leadership in this country. It is embarrassing. Specialness is the human condition. We always think, “it’s not going to happen to me” and this results in not following “suggested” guidelines, especially when they are not clear and are constantly changing. I get it.

I have been a manager for over twenty six years and one thing that my professional work has taught me is that the majority of people count on direction and clear communication…two things we are very much lacking in this country.

Anger doesn’t get anything done. It is a grand separator. It only hurts me…and it is a reaction based on my ego. So when I am furious I am in fear. I get that. However, I care about people and that is acceptable in this world which we live in. I am not going to defend my position against my spiritual readers. We are meant to “act normal” in this illusory world.

Love is compassion. Love is kindness. Love is thinking about others and how my behavior may hurt or hinder another person, even someone I do not know. So if my staying-at-home, wearing a mask, and practicing social distancing when I have to go out for groceries or such (work) saves even one life, it will be worth it. There is not much I have to do today that I cannot put off until a vaccine is approved, or this virus “disappears” as the POTUS claims it will.

I miss my grand-babies like crazy, and my kids, but I am not going to risk a life to see them…even a life of a person I do not know.

Today, I will practice Love. Today I will practice kindness.

How are you handling this crisis?