Is it uncomfortable to talk about your strengths? Do you witness guilt pop up like I do? Well, to put it bluntly, we need to let that @#*@& go!!!!!!! Not owning up to our beauty keeps us stagnant and not LIVING our full potential in this world! What is more important than to BE who it is we are in all of our bodacious glory?!?!

I’ll start.

I am courageous. I have walked through some fear, ya’ll! Like many of you, I am sure. I could write a series of books! One small example….I ride my own Harley Davidson Streetglide Special! Boom! Riding a motorcycle was on my bucket list. However, I ran a moped into a garage at 12, and a mini bike into a parked car at age 40…I wasn’t seeing it happening. Fear had a hold of me, to be sure. However, at 43, I bought my first brand new Harley Davidson Softail Slim BEFORE I took the rider’s edge course. Yeah. Crazy, huh? Once I graduated from the course (barely) my instructor told me I should start on a smaller bike. I showed him! More importantly, I showed myself! I pride myself on being an exceptional rider today!

I am thoughtful. I am! I saw resistance come up! I heard my sister’s voices critiquing me. I know they never meant it…we just really knew how to get at one another….siblings, eh? I love to do for others. I am sure many will call that people pleasing but I don’t do it at the detriment to myself or my loved ones…honestly being thoughtful could be considered selfish as what I put out I receive…so, yes, I do get so much from this quality. It makes me happy and definitely gets me out of myself to think and do for others be it volunteering for Hospice, making or planning gifts for loved ones, or cooking for my husband.

I am kind. I care about people. I can listen to my internal Self and follow the dictates of love more often than not today. I’m also getting better at not projecting my guilt onto my brothers! Continued practice is a requirement as I am only human….but practice, I shall!

I am a natural leader. Or is that controller? Ha. I feel that I lead with compassion for the most part. I have improved over the years, for sure. I try to make “work” fun. I strive to lead by example. One thing I have learned over the years is that people want and need leadership. I know I wish we had it in this country right now….and my state….just sayin’.

I have a good sense of humor! I love to laugh, laugh, laugh, and do with my husband especially. Living in joy is a must for me. Especially in these trying times – – 2020! Life is too short, and when I take things too seriously I am contributing to separation and vying against connection, unity, and Oneness. No, thank you. I will choose laughter instead.

Your turn! Share with me/us five of your strengths